Roundtable consultations on current JI issues
Venue: UN Campus Bonn, "Langer Eugen"
Hermann-Ehlers-Str. 10
53113 Bonn
Venue location
Directions (subway)
The proceedings of the rountable consultations can also be followed through webcast
The JISC agreed at its twentieth meeting to hold roundtable consultations in conjunction with its twenty-second meeting in June. At its twenty-first meeting, the JISC considered the structure and content of the roundtable consultations and decided to focus on the following issues:
- Concept of materiality in JI;
- Changes to projects during implementation;
- Experiences with the verification procedure under the JISC;
- Outreach activities on JI.
Agenda (191 KB)
List of participants (132 KB)
On 14 June 2010, the JISC was held the roundtable consultations where interested stakeholders with practical experience and knowledge of JI will be able to meet with the JISC for an open discussion, and to share their views on the issues listed above, which are the present priority areas for the JISC to work on. In addition, an internet webcast will be available for this event.
This section contains an overview of the round-table discussions, as well as the presentations given during the event.
Welcome and Introduction
Benoît LEGUET (JISC Chair)
John KILANI / Daniele VIOLETTI (UNFCCC Secretariat)
The concept of materiality, Olof BYSTROM - UNFCCC secretariat (336 KB)
Experience with the use of materiality, Ole FLAGSTAD - DNV (5526 KB)
Expectations on the use of materiality, Martin ENDERLIN - Project Developer Forum (1047 KB)
Situation regarding changes to projects during implementation, Vlad TRUSCA - UNFCCC secretariat (272 KB)
Perspectives on the issue, Flavio GOMES - Bureau Veritas (294 KB)
Introduction of the background paper and the results from the call for public inputs, Vlad TRUSCA - UNFCCC secretariat (774 KB)
Experiences with the verification procedure and recommendations for the future, Natalie Kushko - Ukraine DFP (2334 KB)
Perspective on JI verification procedure and recommendations for the future (JI Action Group)
Lennard de Klerk (719 KB)
Denis Prusakov (629 KB)
Presentation of the past outreach activities and possible activities in 2010, Daniele VIOLETTI - UNFCCC secretariat (304 KB)
Expectations and needs regarding JI information outreach activities, Florentina MANEA - Romania DFP (2437 KB)
Expectations and needs regarding JI information outreach activities, Hanna-Mari AHONEN - Greenstream Network (675 KB)
Presentation of the new Track 1 web-based interface, Olof BYSTROM - UNFCCC secretariat (748 KB)
Conclusions and next steps
Benoît LEGUET (JISC Chair)
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